Sunday, April 28, 2013

Calvary Temple Church near DMV in Hillcrest racist and transphobic!

Fuck those mother fuckers at Calvary.  Me and my friend were sitting there on their lawn as it was Farmers Market and as we are sitting there, this big fat guy tells us to not sit in their chairs.  Why?  They're doing outreach to the community.  What outreach?  I've lived in 92103 for the past three years.  Never seen them doing outreach.  In fact they're homophobic from what I been told.  What community.  Most people at the Farmers Market don't live in 92103.  I know that guy don't either.  What we did see was some white skinned Caucasians sitting there.  Eating food from the Hillcrest Farmers Market.  I don't think these people are your parishioners.  They give out muffins and coffee and ice tea free on Sundays and that community outreach?  No those mother fuckers are haters.  Fuck them and their free muffins and coffee.


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