Thursday, May 2, 2013

SUSPENDED: 33 Scripps Ranch HS girls

No Gawd hunty!  33 white girls have gotten suspended from school and they can't go to prom, walk in graduation or particiapte in sports at their school.  You would not believe why! 

They were twerking in school and made the video with a camera that belonged to the school!  They been suspended for a week because the school said that they violated the school sexual harrasment policy.  What sexual harrasment?  None of the people in the video are touching each other.  The only one being touched is the school wall.   

Scripps Ranch is 16 to 20 miles away from Hillcrest and also four bus rides up there.  Scripps Ranch is this white ass neighborhood with the only minorities being the football players from the Chargers.  It's kind of a rich neighborhood, but not really, no one there is on any food stamps. 

I bet these school administrators are some racist ass white people who suspeneded these girls merely because they wee doing something not white.  Thats what I believe.  Had they been doing some faggotry like the "Call me Maybe lip syncs everybody would have been sharing that shit online and I would be rolling my eyes! 

Hell, the twerks weren't really exactly twerks and they were not explicit.  Hell, it was tamer than what I see at Rich's San Diego club on Friday Hip Hop nights.  That shit was tamer than what Andy Cohen had going on with Twerking by the Cakes Mazel a few nights ago. 

That shit is tamer than MrTechnicalDifficult's twerk video

Anyways, this is what we do, let's all go down to Scripps High and stage a protest and twerk, just to irk the shit out those racist ass people who suspended these girls.


Dora da Explorah

YouTube took down the video of the twerk team.

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