Friday, April 19, 2013

Watch your wallets!

Ususally, a wallet theft isn't much concern for alarm, but it sucks when you lose one or get it stolen  However, the damn wallet theives are out in force.  Charlie, a friend of ours, went out clubbing Wednesday at Flick's and ended up getting his shit stolen.  After posting to Facebook, one of his friends commented that a similar incident had happened that Wednesday, but at Rich's.  Charlie did not find his wallet, since it was a Coach.  He did however manage to get his ID and ATM card back -- from Rich's San Diego. Here is the real gag, he didn't go to Rich's Wednesday. 
I will say that most things lost at Rich's that are not stolen usually end up back in the owners hands.  Their lost and found is pretty legit. 
Watch your wallets, girls out there tonight. OK? 


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